Change of implementation date and the Work Plan tab

This month’s blog post will deal with the impact of the implementation date’s modification on the Work Plan tab. Indeed, if the start or end date of the project is modified, the Work Plan tab will be invalid and, depending on the scenario, the HFU will have to take some actions.  As a reminder, please note that the Work Plan is editable by the implementing partner at TR draft.   First scenario – The new start date has triggered an extra calendar month before budget clearance: in that case a new month will be added to the Work Plan tab, but the tab will be invalid as no activities are linked to it. The HFU will have to send back the project proposal to the implementing partner to link the new month to at least one activity.  Second scenario – The new start date has triggered an extra month after budget clearance: in that case, the HFU must send us an email ( so that we can send the project proposal back to TR HFU. Then the HFU will be able to send the project to the implementing partner so that they can link the new month with at least one activity.   Third scenario – The new start date has not triggered an extra month: the data needs to be confirmed. The HFU or the IP will need to 'Save' the data - it will depend on which status the project is. The HFU starts by unlocking the 'Workplan' tab (if it is locked) from the ‘Project Admin’ tab and then press on the SAVE button if it is there. If the SAVE button is not there, please contact the GMS Support team.
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MPTF Projects info requirement and the new PNR template

The blog article for this month will present the new MPTF project’s authorization info requirements, the launch of the PNR template, the updated Due Diligence declarations and finally, a brief update on the revision module that we released in July.   MPTF Projects – Authorization info requirements  From mid 2023, UN projects that are under MPTF funds can either go through MPTF funding or be funded by OCHA once the budget is cleared by the HFU.  When the project is under TR HFU, the HFU will have to decide whether the project will be funded though MPTF or OCHA.   If the project is funded through MPTF, the HFU will have to tick this box below the header. Since the bank information and project signatories authorizations are not required for MPTF funds, the agency will only have to authorize the start date of the project.     If the project is funded through OCHA, do not tick this box. Because OCHA will need to generate a Grant Agreement, the agency must authorize the start date of the project, as well as the bank information and project signatories.   Launch of PNR template The launch of the PNR will be done in two stages on the OneGMS, and the first one was just released.   Initially, on the ‘Timelines’ tab, the partner will have to click on this icon  to download the PNR template.   The template is a word document that provides all the projects information where the partner will be able to provide an overview of the overall progress and results achieved and indicate any challenges or amendments in the project deviating from the original proposal.   The partner will have to fill in this template offline and send it to their HFU. In turn, the HFU will review it and upload the PNR template in the ‘Documents’ tab of the project proposal.      In the future, when the module is entirely released on the OneGMS, there will be no template to download and fill in offline as the PNR form will be integrated to the system. Partners will be able to fill in everything online. However, those who had to fill in the form offline will have to copy the data from the template to the online module.    Due Diligence Declarations  As you may have noticed, we have updated the due diligence declarations to fit the new compliance requirements. HFUs are also able to upload those signed declarations on behalf of the implementing partner on the approved due diligence form.    The Revision module In our last blog post we presented the new revision module of the OneGMS, yet with some tabs missing. This month's blog post informs you that the ‘Programming’ and ‘Implementation’ tabs are now online! The only tab missing, ‘Locations’, will be implemented during the next release.    
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