The Initial Strategy

I)  What is the Initial Strategy
II) The Initial Strategy Workflow

I) What is the Initial Strategy 

The allocation strategy presents the Submitter’s vision statement on the intended use of a CERF allocation. It explains the focus of the allocation, and how it will make an impact in the operational context, beyond simply providing additional funding to the response. 

The allocation strategy will be presented to the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) as a basis for deciding on the allocation. It should therefore be concise and describe in strategic terms the focus and added value of the allocation to the overall response and reflect how CERF resources will be leveraged to maximise saving of lives. In countries with a Country-Based Pooled Fund (CBPF), the vision statement should also clarify how the CERF allocation will ensure complementarity with CBPF funding. 

It should be submitted to the CERF secretariat as part of the initial funding request for funding and should precede the development of a full application. For the RR window, the initial request, including the vision statement, should be submitted as quickly as possible following the triggering event to allow for timely funding decisions. For sudden onset shocks, the statement should be submitted no later than a week after the event.

II) The Initial Strategy Workflow

The allocation workflow

Steps of the Initial Strategy (please click on a step to open its dedicated article):