CBPF by Year

The CBPF by year visual provides users with CBPF funding paths, drawing allocated funds from donors' paid contributions to the CBPF funded projects, with a breakdown per allocation type (standard vs. reserve), and per cluster.  

Please note: this data includes direct partners only. To learn more about the allocation flows between the CBPFs, their direct and sub-implementing partners, please look at the Allocations Flow, another visual of the CBPF Data Hub.

CBPF by year visual

I) How to access the data

You can apply filters to this visual by selecting one or multiple CBPF checkboxes. By default, all CBPFs’ data is displayed. When the user selects one country, the visual will display the donors and allocations data corresponding to that specific fund.  

The fund filter is located above the visual

You can also select one or multiple year(s) with the timeline filter: 

The Year filter is located above the visual

Hover over a country to see the amount in USD donated to the CBPF(s) by the country selected.

A tooltip is displayed when you hover over a country

Hover over the ‘Others’ mention to show the data of all the donors that are not displayed. 

The other mention is the last country displayed on the right side.

By hovering over an allocation type, a pop-up window with additional information on the total amount in USD allocated and the amount in USD allocated per fund will be displayed. 


You can hover over a fund to single out one funding flow. A tooltip will provide information on the total amount in USD allocated by the fund and per allocation type.

The fund is at the end of the visual