Global Disbursement Process Report


I) What is the Global Disbursement Fund Process Report?  Top

The Global Disbursement Process Report provides users with an extensive overview of Disbursement data of all – or filtered, projects. It includes the average number of days it took the CBPF finance team to process the disbursement tranches, as well as the dates and disbursements’ amounts.

GMS Focus: What is the difference between Global and Fund Disbursement Process Report? 

Both Global and CBPF disbursement process report modules provide the same functionality, the only difference is the scale of the data provided. While the CBPF disbursement process report shows the data only for one specific country, the Global report allows for the selection of several countries (all countries that a user has access to in GMS will show in the filter option for Global Milestones). The Global module is available for CBPF Finance and CBPF Programme units on GMS (HQ teams). 

To learn more about the Fund Disbursement Process Report module, please refer to this article of the Help Portal.


II) How to access the Global Disbursement Process Report? Top

Users can access the Fund Disbursement Report  through the  Global Milestones Dashboard.

First, go to the CBPF Milestones by following this navigation : Report > Report > Global Milestones,

Then, go to the second tab of the Global Milestones : the Dashboard tab.

To access the Global Fund Process Disbursement Report, click on [Global Disbursement Fund Process Report] in the Dashboard of the Global Milestones page.


III) How to generate a Global Disbursement Process Report?Top 

In the Global Fund Disbursement Process Report page, apply filters and click on [filters] to generate the report. A description of the filters is available below the screenshot.

Filters Field description:

  • Pooled Funds : Select a specific Pooled Fund from this drop-down list
  • Allocation year : Select an Allocation year from the drop-down list
  • Global Cluster : Select a Global cluster from the drop-down list
  • Organization type : Select the type of organization from the drop-down list.
  • Allocation Source : Select the type of allocation from the drop-down list (standard or reserve)
  • Exclude day(s) option : Tick this box to access a new filter drop-down list, which allows you to tick the days you do not wish to be included in the disbursement timeline. For instance, you can exclude Saturdays and Sundays to view only the weekdays.

Then, click on [filter].

Columns Description:

  • Organization: displays the organization’s acronym
  • Project code: displays the project code
  • Project status: displays the project status
  • Cluster: displays the cluster(s) of the project
  • Budget: displays the latest approved project budget.
  • GA signed by EO: displays the signature date of the EO.
  • 1st/2nd/3rd etc disbursement date: displays the date of the tranche disbursement. In case of a blank field, it means the disbursement has either not been done yet, or that there is no need for this disbursement (for instance, a 3rd disbursement is not always needed, as funds can be disbursed in two tranches only according to the operational modalities applicable to the project).
  • 1st/2nd/3rd etc. Financial report certification date: displays the date of report certification by CBPF Finance.
  • Average number of days: displays the average number of days CBPF Finance took for all disbursements combined for a specific project, e.g. if CBPF Finance took 6 days to disburse the first tranche for a project after EO signature, and 8 days to disburse the subsequent tranche after certification of the financial report, then CBPF Finance took on average 7 days for disbursement (which would be displayed in the last column of the report).
  • Average number of days of the entire list with number of projects (see screenshot, red square): displays the average number of days CBPF Finance took for all disbursements combined for the entire list of project generated after clicking on [filter]. The number of projects this figure refers to is also displayed. (e.g. in the screenshot above: there was an average of 8.27 days for 74 projects).

It draws the data from all figures of the ‘Average numbers of days’ column and calculates the average. 

  • Export Report: click on this button to download this list as an Excel sheet on your computer.


IV) GMS Focus: How to read and interpret the data? Top

Number of days per project (including total average per project):

(The data displayed below is drawn from the training GMS and does not reflect the actual figures - this is dummy data)

Total average:

(The data displayed below is drawn from the training GMS and does not reflect the actual figures - this is dummy data)



V) How to extract the report data?Top 

To extract this report as an Excel sheet, click on [Export Report].