
Project Closure Header

POSTED BY Yasmina Nousseir | 22 Dec 2022 | GMS Quick Tip

What is project closure?

After the end of the implementation phase, projects on GMS enter the Final Reporting stage, where the implementing partner must submit the final narrative report and the final financial report for the project. Upon approval of these reports, the project will be pushed to Audit  (for non-UN Agencies only) and, if required, the final disbursement or refund will be activated. 

All the following final instances of the project must be finalized and approved by the HFU and Finance HQ in order to initiate the project closure phase for the project in GMS:

The system will verify that the final reporting and financial instances have been closed in GMS before allowing the project to be moved to closure. This can be seen at the top of the project, on the ‘Disbursement’ and ‘Refund’ tabs for CBPF Finance or from the final narrative report for HFU.

There can be two scenarios:

  1. There are no pending instances, as they have all being either finalized or approved (e.g. refund, FNR, FFR, audit). The GMS will indicate so by displaying a header, with all instances in green and a message stating that the project can now move to closure.

Please note: this header will only be displayed for:
- Finance HQ in the disbursement tab and in the refund tab after processing the refund
- HFU in the Final Narrative Report screen after approving the report

To hide this header, click on [click here].


  1. Second case scenario, one or multiple instances of the projects have not yet been validated or approved. The GMS will not allow users to proceed with project closure as long as there are pending instances. Pending instances and balance due will be indicated in red. You can click on the instance’s name to open it on the GMS and finalise it.
