


The refund workflow

When is a Refund activated 

In a normal workflow, Refund can be triggered after the Final Financial report is completed and approved and refund is due by the partner, according to the expenditure report submitted (scenario 1). The project will be open for Refund once the Audit has been completed (scenario 2).

How to activate a Refund 

CBPF Finance

Scenario 1:
If a Refund needs to be activated before the Audit has been completed, CBPF Finance can do so by accessing the ‘Project admin` tab on the project page.
Go to the ‘Activation’ section, next to the ‘Refunds ‘ line, click on the [Activate] button. Note: no alerts are required at this stage.
Scenario 2:
In a normal workflow, the refund process will start after the Audit process has been completed. The [Begin Refund] button will be available on the project page once the Audit has been finalized, if CBPF Finance clicks on the button [Audit received – proceed refund] upon finalization of the Audit report.
Note: At this stage, no email alert will be sent to the IP/HFU.

How to trigger a Refund request 

On selecting the project and accessing the ‘Refunds’ tab, GMS will prompt whether the user will be taking the assignment of this task. The assignment of entering Refund data is assigned to the user for approximately 2 hours If the task is not completed in the time frame it’s released automatically. It can also be released manually by clicking on the [Release Assignment] button.


CBPF Finance will then need to click the [Add New Refund] button, which will create a new line in the ‘Refunds’ section (as many lines as refunds requested).

The two first fields of the line, namely ‘Requested Amount’ and `Requested Date’ will need to be filled in, according with the ‘Total Balance Due’, which is the Audit Eligible Expenditure, minus the Total Disbursements, plus the Total Refunds Received (see line above ‘Refunds’).
Save the data by clicking on the [Save and Stay] button.

Field Descriptions:
  • Requested amount: Displays the Refund amount requested by CBPF Finance based on the following formula: Audit Eligible Expenditure - the Total Disbursements + the Total Refunds Received.
  • Requested date: Displays the date on which the refund is requested by CBPF Finance.
  • Amount Paid by IP: Displays the actual amount paid by the partner (considers the partner’s local currency)
  • Paid by IP Date: Displays the date in which the partner paid the refund.
  • Received Amount: Displays the amount that was received by CBPF Finance.
  • Received Date: Displays the date in which CBPF Finance received the refund.
  • Other Charges: Displays different charges that would explain the difference between the ‘Amount Paid by IP’ and the Received Amount’. Such charges could be the following: Bank Fee, Exchange Gains, Other Charges, UNDP Chargers.
  • Other Charges Amount: Displays the amount of the ‘Other Charges’.
  • Receipt No.: Displays the number of the payment. 
  • Is Final: Displays if the refund is final.
CBPF Finance will need to trigger the Refund for the project by clicking the [Trigger Refund] button. An email alert will be sent to the IP/HFU informing them of that the Refund has been activated and needs to be processed
When the Balance is lesser than $75, CBPF Finance has the possibility to process a Refund waiver, which will skip the IP/HFU Refund processing stage in the Refund workflow.

*Please Note: button will be visible only to CBPF Finance users, if Balance is lesser than $75.

After entering the “Requested Amount” and “Requested Date”, and upon clicking on the [Process for Waiver] button, CBPF Finance users must fill in the four last fields (“Other Charges”,”Other charges Amount”, “Receipt No.”, “Received Date”). The fields “Amount Paid by IP”, “Paid by IP Date” and “Received Amount” will be locked to the user. CBPF Finance will then be able to finalize the refund by clicking on [Endorse Refund] button.

How to process a Refund


After the refund has been activated by CBPF Finance, it will appear in the partner's home page, under the 'Active Instance – Refund’ segment, showing the status of the project as ‘Under Refund'.
Once the Refund has been processed offline, the IP/HFU can reflect this in GMS.
Click on the edit   icon of the project on the partner’s home page or go to the ‘Refunds’ tab in the project page.
The IP/HFU will need to edit the two fields directed to the IP in the line of the requested Refund, namely ‘Amount Paid by IP’ and ‘Paid by IP Date’.
Save the data by clicking on the [Save and Stay] button.
In addition, the IP is also required to upload the necessary receipts and other documents supporting the Refund under the ‘Documents’ section ( in the ‘Refunds’ tab).
Click on the [Process Refund] or [Refund paid by IP] button which will activate the Endorsement phase for CBPF Finance. An email alert will be sent to the CBPF Finance.

How to endorse a Refund

CBPF Finance

Once the refund has been processed by the Partner, CBPF Finance will need to endorse it.
CBPF Finance will first need to fill out the remaining empty fields under the refunds tab of the project, namely: ‘Received Amount’, ‘Other Charges’, ‘Other Charges Amount’, ‘Received Date’, and ‘Is Final’ .
Save the data by clicking on the [Save and Stay] button.
Click on the [Endorse Refund] button which will validate the Endorsement from CBPF Finance. An email alert will be sent to the HFU informing them that the Refund was endorsed by CBPF Finance.
CBPF Finance can then trigger a new Refund by clicking on the [Trigger New Refund] and follow the same steps as the first Refund request or finalize the Refund.