Review and process the FTR report

​​​​​​​I)  How to review an FTR Report (non- UN projects)
II) How to process an FTR (MPTF)
    1) FTR Tracking tab

I)  How to review an FTR Report (non- UN projects)

If the HFU sends the FTR Report to CBPF Finance, the FTR report will appear in the FTR task list of the CBPF Finance Homepage. Click on the blue link in the task list to access the FTR Report.

After reviewing the FTR Report, CBPF Finance can either:

  • Leave comments and send back to HFU by clicking on [send back to HFU with comments]
  • Send directly to MPTF by clicking on [send to MPTF].

Make sure that the Allocation Letter is signed by the EO and that you upload the signed AL in the Documents tab of the FTR before sending it to MPTF on OneGMS. 

II) How to process an FTR (MPTF)

Upon submission by CBPF Finance /HFU, MPTF will receive an email alert containing the unique FTR number in the subject line as well as in the email body. MPTF can then log in the OneGMS and will be able to view the FTR in their task list, as shown below.

The MPTF officer is required to fill in the three empty fields per projects in the FTR Report tab:

  1. the mandatory Atlas Number,
  2. the voucher number,
  3. and payment date for each of the projects

Following the below guidance:

  • For each allocation of funds, MPTF creates one Atlas Project in their Atlas System and links it with the GMS project.
  • The voucher is created to allocate funds to one or more than one project. So for each voucher there can be multiple Atlas projects linked to it in Atlas system.
  • One Atlas Project can be linked to multiple vouchers.

The MPTF Officer can send the FTR back to the HFU by clicking on the [Send back to HFU with Comments] button in case there are any comments before processing the FTR.

Otherwise, the MPTF officer will click on the [FTR Completed] button to process the FTR.

   1) FTR Tracking tab

The FTR Tracking tab allows users to track the who, what, when, pertaining to the FTR Report. This tab shows all the steps of the FTR Report workflow, including the dates when its status changed, and the user who pushed it to the next stage.