Final Budget Review (FO)

I)    How to view comments
II)   How to leave, save and edit comments in a tab 
III)  How to leave, save and edit comments in the Budget tab
IV) The Documents tab 
V)  The Task page

After the Programme Officer has reviewed the project, they will send it to the Financer Officer for the Final Budget Review. You will have to review the budget of each project individually.  You can find this task in your Project Task List. To open the project, click on this icon w

Upon opening the Allocation Prioritization, the system will ask you if you want to take assignment of the task. Click on [Yes].


This means that now the task is assigned to you and will appear in your task list.  If you want to release the task, you can click on e from your home page.


Now that the project proposal is open, you can review the ‘Budget’ tab and leave comments if necessary.  Although the Sub-Partners are recorded in the category F of the ‘Budget’ tab, you can also go to the ‘Subgrants’ tab to have more information on the sub-partners.

I)    How to view comments

This icon sa next to the tab means that comments were left. You can go to the bottom of the page to view comments.


The External tab of the comment section shows external comments (I.e., those visible by all the users that have access to the project proposal), while the Internal tab shows comments that are only visible to CERF HQ.  

If it is not a general comment left on the tab, but a comment left on a specific budget line an annotation will indicate for which category and which the comment was left.


For instance, here @A.1 indicates that the comment was left on the first line of the section A. Staff and other Personnel Cost. 


II)   How to leave, save and edit comments in a tab 

All parties involved in the project proposal draft, review and approval have the possibility to leave comments. This is particularly important when corrections are required, and the project proposal is sent back to re-draft. 

Comments can only be inserted at the tab level and at specific workflow stages, depending on the user role. More specifically, you can only save comments when the project proposal is active under your user role. For instance, the Finance Officer will be able to save comments at the ‘Initial Budget Review’ step of the workflow, while the Agency will be able to leave comments at ‘Project Proposal: Redraft’ step of the workflow.  

You can leave two types of comments:  

  • External: these comments will be visible to all users that have access to the project proposal. 
  • Internal: these comments will only be visible to CERF HQ. 

The comment box provides you with text formatting tools:


Leave a comment
To add a comment, you can either go to the bottom of the tab or click on this icon .. Enter the comments within the comments section and if the comment is internal, tick the box ‘Internal’. Then click on [Save Comment].


Once saved, the comment(s) will be displayed at the end of the page, below the comment section. Internal comments will be saved and displayed in the ‘Internal’ tab, and external comments under the ‘External’ tab. 

The comments trail will provide information on the user who wrote the comment, the date and time stamp of the comment, the workflow status in which the comment was made, and the comment itself. 


Edit or delete a comment
You can edit the comment by clicking on eor delete it by clicking on sa


View and print all comments

You can open all the comments that were made in one tab by clicking on ‘View all comments’.


It will open a new window from which you will be able to view, edit and print out all the comments. To print the comment(s), click on ‘Print Comments’. 


III)  How to leave, save and edit comments in the Budget tab

You can also leave a comment against each tab of the budget tab. To do so, click on this icon e 


On the pop-up window, enter your comment and click on [Save].


If you want to delete or edit the comment, click on this icon eto open the pop-up window. You can then edit the comment, or delete it by clicking on sa.


IV) The Documents tab 

On this tab, you can examine all the documents pertaining to the project proposal that have been uploaded. 

If you wish to download all the documents that were uploaded, click on [Download All]


To download only one document, click on e. You can hover over this icon e to display the contact detail of the user who uploaded the document and the date and time stamp of the document. 


To read more on how to edit, delete or add a document, please click here.

V)  The Task page

Once you have reviewed the budget, you can click on [Continue] to open the task page. 



From there, you can click on [Complete Task] to inform the Programme Officer that you completed the Final Budget review. Based on your findings and programmatic review, the PO will then be able to make the Project recommendation. 


You will be able to leave a comment pertaining to this action if needed and click on [Save & Finish] to notify the Programme Officer that the Final budget Review is completed.
