The Performance Index Risk Management page

I) The Performance Index Risk Management page
   1) Review and approve the partner's risk level update
   2) Risk update history log

I) The Performance Index Risk Management page

To access the Performance Index Risk Management page, go to the Partner Risk Dashboard (Risk Management -> Partner Risk Dashboard), apply the relevant filter and click on [Click to filter] to obtain the list of corresponding partners.

Click on the barometer icon  to access the Performance Index Risk Management Page.

   1) Review and approve the partner's risk level update

After a project is Closed or Under Closure, HFU officers must review the partner’s new Risk Level as displayed in this page, provide approval by ticking the box [I agree] and add comments in the dedicated field.

If you disagree with the new Risk Level, tick the box [I disagree] and kindly provide comments. This will stop the risk level re-calculation message from popping up on the partner’s projects pages (shown in the below second screenshot), however this will not have any impact on the system suggested PI adjusted risk score.

You can also access this page and approve the re-calculation of the Partner’s Risk Level from the cover page of the project. To access the Index Risk management page and agree or disagree with the adjusted risk level, click on [Next]. (as in screenshot below).

Please Note: the risk level may remain the same after recalculation. However, HFU officers are still required to provide approval of the adjusted score.

The Partner Index Risk Management page provides HFU officers with the list of all projects and Capacity Assessment’s results and their weightage in calculating the Risk Level of the partner (both initial and adjusted overtime).

On the Left-Hand side, the ‘Partner Risk Level’ section provides the initial risk level of the Partner, which includes the components that were taken into its calculation (Capacity Assessment and projects). In the below example, the partner has never undertaken a risk update, so their initial risk level is only based on their Capacity Assessment’s results.

On the left-hand side, the ‘Adjusted Partner Risk Level’ section provides the list of the partner’s projects and their weightage in calculating the adjusted Risk Level.

Legends description of the above screenshot:
1- Click on this hyperlink to access the partner’s CA scorecard and results. To know more about Capacity Assessments’ scorecards, read the article on Capacity Assessment.
2- Click on these different hyperlinks to access the projects’ cover page. P1 represents the first approved project, P2 the second approved project and so on.

   2) Risk update history log

You can find at the bottom of this page a grey section. It is the history log of all updates of the Partner’s Risk Level.