Country Profile Dashboard, Organisation Dashboard and the HFU Checklist

This month's blog post will first present you with the new Country Profile Dashboard, then announce the close release of the organization dashboard, and finally end with a reminder of the existence of your HFU checklist.   Country Profile Dashboard In mid-January we launched the country Profile dashboard. It is a new interactive dashboard under the Pooled Fund Data Hub (, that will allow users to browse the country profile around allocations and contributions of CERF and CBPF and generate an interactive dashboard/report with the defined filters to select.  The dashboard will provide you with information such as allocation year and type, the number of partners or projects by allocation, all implementing partners, allocations break down by sector, an overview of allocation activities by sector type and the contributions by donor name. Please note that since the contributions made to CERF are not country-specific, you can find the total contributions and the CERF donors by visiting the CERF website.    Organization dashboard We will be soon releasing the organization dashboard, that will provide an overview of all organizations registered in the partner portal. To be able to release a representative dashboard, the data in the partner portal must be as accurate as possible. In that sense, we ask you to please verify that the localization marker of partners registered in your fund are correct. In case the localization marker is missing or erroneous, please contact us giving us the name of the organization. We will then send back the organization on the partner portal so that you can rectify entering the marker.     HFU Checklist Throughout the year, HFUs must make sure that the fund is up to date on the OneGMS in terms of contacts, risk management, evaluation etc. For that purpose, we created an HFU checklist to make sure your fund is correctly set up. This is a quick reminder of this checklist, originally released in our December 2022 blog post, to start 2023 with confidence!  
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