GAM Marker

I)  What are the different components of the infographic?
II) How to access the data?

The Gender and Age Marker (GAM) used in CBPF projects is a code - from 0 to 4 - that indicates the extent to which a project considers gender and age differences in the humanitarian response. Since January 2019, all projects submitted in the Grant Management System (GMS) are required to provide a GAM code and reference number.

The GAM visual

I)  What are the different components of the infographic?

The GAM visual

Please see below the description of fields 1-4 as annotated in red in the screenshot above. 

  1. The filters options: users can apply these filters to personalize the data. 
    a. CBPF: users can select one, several or all CBPFs. 
    b. Year: users can select one allocation year by clicking on it, or multiple allocation years by double-clicking on them. 
    c. Budget: user can either choose to display the overall budget, the budget % per Marker, or the budget % per CBPF. Hover over each option to see its calculation. Please see our GMS Quick Tip below to have more information on these filters. 
    d. View by Marker: if this option is selected, the visualization will display the allocated funds according to their Marker code. 
    e. Overall View: if this option is selected, the visualization will display the allocated funds across the x axis for all Markers, regardless of their Marker code.

  2. The Allocations’ key figures: they reflect the filters applied, and provide the following information: 
    a. The amount in USD allocated by all funds.
    b. The total number of projects implemented. 
    c. The total number of CBPFs.

  3. The GAM Beeswarm chart: it enables humanitarian stakeholders to visualize the allocated funds according to the Marker code. The ‘Show means’ tick-box will provide users with the budget mean for the marker(s).

  4. The usual CBPF Data Hub tooltips: Share, Play, Image, .CVS, and Help. To know more about these tooltips, please click here.

GMS Quick Tip: The Budget and Budget percentages filters  

The budget filters are used to change how the circles are distributed along the horizontal axis. Each circle represents a given “CBPF-Marker” combination.  

  • The filter ‘Budget’ shows the total allocation values in dollars. When this filter is selected, users will be able to tick the box ‘Show means’ below the Beeswarm visual, which will display the budget mean for each marker in the “View by Marker”, and for all markers in the “Overall View”. 
  • The filter ‘Budget % per marker’ will show that value (the budget) as a percentage of the total allocations across CBPFs for the same marker. This is a useful tool for comparing CBPFs in the same marker. This filter is best used with several or all CBPFs selected.
  • The filter ‘Budget % per CBPF’ will show that value (the budget) as a percentage of the total allocations for that specific CBPF. This is a useful tool for comparing markers within the same CBPF. This filter is best used with only one CBPF selected.  

For reference, you will notice that the figures for these 3 filters are shown in blue in the description of each circle. 

the figures for these 3 filters are shown in blue in the description of each circle.

II) How to access the data?

In the GAM Beeswarm chart, each circle represents aggregated CBPF projects according to their Marker code (from 0 to 4). The size of the circle depicts the number of projects for that CBPF-Marker, while the position of the circle along the horizontal axis depicts the amount allocated (as a value in dollars, as a percentage of the total value for the Marker, or as a percentage of the total value for the CBPF). The colour indicates the Marker code (from red for GAM 0 to blue for GAM 4). 

Hover over a circle to display its tooltip, which provides information on: 

  • Gender and Age Marker: the GAM Code.
  • Number of projects: the number of projects with this GAM code.
  • Allocations: the amount, in USD, allocated to projects with this GAM code.
