Review and approve financial reports

Once an Implementing Partner has submitted the financial report for review, the HFU receives an email notification and the task is displayed on the ‘Task Overview’ of the HFU home page, under the ‘Financial Reports Task List’ section. To access the report, click on the date of the relevant line. Clicking on the project’s code will redirect you to the project’s page, not the report. 

You can review the data entered by the Implementing Partner in the Financial Report tab, or you can download the signed financial report.
To do so, go to the Signed Financial Report tab – If an Implementing Partner has submitted a financial report for HFU and FCS Finance to review, it will be displayed under the ‘Latest Signed Financial Reports' section. Click on the magnifying glass icon to review the report.

Review the report and leave comments (if needed) in the relevant ‘Comments’ sections at the bottom of each tab.

As HFU, the following options (buttons) are available at the top of the page:

• Send to IP for re-draft: On clicking this button, the HFU can send back the report to the Implementing Partner for redrafting. Do not forget to write your comments on the ‘Comments’ section before sending to re-draft.

• Approved on behalf of/as Fund Manager for FCS review and disbursement: If the report entails a disbursement request, HFU will click on this button. The report will then be sent to FCS Finance for their review/clearance and for processing the disbursement.

• Approved on behalf of/as Fund Manager for FCS review: If report does not entail a disbursement request, HFU will click on this button. The report will then be sent to FCS Finance for their review and approval. FCS Finance reviews the report, and either approves it or sends it back with comments to HFU, which will then be sent back to the implementing partner so that FCS Finance comments are addressed. Once the partner re-submits the report to HFU, HFU will re-approve and send the report again to FCS Finance for approval.

Please Note, the 'Approved' options will trigger a pop-up window linked to Performance Management. The quality and timeliness of reports are included in the PI calculation. Please answer faithfully and rigorously the question in the pop-up. Click on [Save] to save the performance information entered. You will find more information on Performance index scoring in this article of the Help Portal.

As CBPF Finance, after HFU review, you are required to review the financial report. The workflow will differ depending on whether the report is an interim or a final financial report. To go directly to the Final Financial Reports process section, please click HERE.

Interim financial reports:

1- If there is a disbursement request, you can click on either of the below two options:

•  [Send back to HFU]: click on this button to send the Financial Report back to HFU. Do not forget to write your comments on the ‘Comments’ section before sending to re-draft. HFU will then inform the Implementing Partner that a re-draft is needed on the Financial Report.

• [Read and Certified by FCS for disbursement]: this option will approve the report and trigger a disbursement, which you need to configure. To know how to configure a disbursement tranche, please refer to this article of the Help Portal.

2- If there is NO disbursement request from the partner, you can click on either of the below two options:

• [Send back to HFU]: click on this button to send the Financial Report back to HFU. Do not forget to write your comments on the ‘Comments’ section before sending to re-draft. HFU will then inform the Implementing Partner that a re-draft is needed on the Financial Report.

• [Read and Certified by FCS for recording]: this option will approve the report. In case of an interim report, no other action is required from CBPF Finance. In case of a final financial report, please refer to the section below.

OneGMS Focus: Final Financial Report Approval by CBPF Finance 

When the HFU approves a Final Financial Report, you are required to review it, and click on the below two options:

•  [Send back to HFU]: click on this button to send the Financial Report back to HFU. Do not forget to write your comments on the ‘Comments’ section before sending to re-draft. HFU will then inform the Implementing Partner that a re-draft is needed on the Financial Report.
• [Received by FCS]: Pressing this button means that CBPF Finance approves the report and is ready to initiate Project Closure.

Following the approval of the final financial report by CBPF Finance, (confirmed by clicking on [received by FCS]), CBPF Finance will initiate the closure of the project.

This means:

• For non-UN projects, after the approval of the final financial report, and, when necessary, a tranche disbursement, CBPF Finance is required to trigger the audit for the project. In this case, click on [Trigger Audit]. CBPF Finance can also decide to initiate the refund of unspent balance (if any) when triggering the audit. This can be done manually from the Project Admin tab. Please refer to the dedicated article on Refunds.
To learn more about the next steps, namely the audit and project closure, please refer to the related Help Portal articles : Project audit, and Project closure

• For UN projects, FCS Finance will either trigger the closure of the project or request the HFU to initiate the refund of unspent balance (if any). In the former case, click on [Trigger Project Closure], in the latter, click on [Trigger Refund].