Performance Index calculation and impact on the partner's risk level

I)  Project level performance: Performance Index questions and weightage
    1) Performance Index questions
    2) Questions's weightage in calculating the Performance Index of the project
    OneGMS Focus: Specific cases
II) Partner level performance and risk rating evolution

I)  Project level performance: Performance Index questions and weightage

    1) Performance Index questions

The performance of an Implementing Partner on a project is assessed through a set of questions, pre-determined by the CBPF and common to all partners. These questions are displayed for the HFU as and when specific milestones are completed in the project lifecycle.

Following are the instances for which questions have been defined in the system:

  • Project proposal
  • Financial Reporting (Interim and Final)
  • Narrative Reporting (Progress and Final)
  • Monitoring and Financial Spot-Check
  • Project Revision
  • Audit
  • Extraordinary Financial Report

When the project workflow reaches a specific status defined for a particular instance in the OneGMS, the system displays the Performance Index (PI) question.

This is achieved by showing the PI question on the workflow confirmation and comments dialog box, after the HFU approves an instance.

It is mandatory to answer the Performance Index question as well as to save related comments in the dedicated box to proceed further with the workflow.
(please see screenshot below for an example of Performance question – narrative reporting Performance).

Performance index is important, as the questions’ answers selected for the project are assigned a score and serve to calculate the partner’s performance. The Performance Index helps to determine to what extent the partner is compliant to work with.

The list of all PI questions appears at final narrative, final financial and audit or project closure status when approved by HFU, to make sure all answers are captured or updated (see screenshot below).

The Performance Index questions are displayed when reaching the pre-defined milestones and workflow statuses. However, HFU officers can also access at any time during the project lifecycle the Performance Index Scorecard, which includes the project’s questions and answers already saved.

    2) Questions's weightage in calculating the Performance Index of the project

At Project Closure, when all questions have been answered and saved, the Performance Index score is calculated based on the following weightage:

PI Categories Question Related GMS step Category Weightage
Quality of project document and timeliness of response How do you assess the quality of the proposals and the timeliness of the response on comments made? HFU submit GA for EO signature 10%
Monitoring findings What is your overall assessment of the project implementation (quality and timeliness) against approved targets and timeframe? When HFU clicks on "completed" in monitoring module 25%
Narrative reporting performance How do you assess the quality and timeliness of the narrative report? when HFU approves a narrative report (progress and final) 15%
Revision request/s How do you assess the timeliness, frequency and justification of the project revision? When HFU clicks on "Project Revision Reviewed and Cleared by HFU" 10%
Financial performance How do you assess the quality and performance of the financial report? When HFU approves a financial report (interim, extraordinary and final) 20%
Audit findings How do you assess the audit findings? when Audit report is finalized by HFU 20%

For example:

Category: Monitoring findings

Question: What is your overall assessment of the project implementation (quality and timeliness) against approved targets and timeframe?

Answer: The project achieved limited targets and justified

With this answer, the project score is 5 out of a maximum of 9,

5 – score given by HFU
9 – maximum score which can be given

% of score is:  5/9 *100 = 55.56

As there is 25% weightage for this category out of total weightage of 100,

Final score will be = 55.56 * 25/100 i.e. Final score will be 13.89

OneGMS Focus: Specific Cases

Certain validations applicable for Performance Index scoring are:

• For monitoring findings:
If there are multiple monitoring reports, an average of the score is calculated for the dashboard

• For Narrative reporting performance:
If there are multiple reports, an average of the score is calculated for the dashboard.

• For Revision request/s:
If revision is not requested by the time Final Financial report is activated, then the maximum score in the category will be inserted for the project automatically.

• For Financial performance:
If there is no report, it will say “pending”.

• For Audit findings:
For NGOs: If audit is delayed and score is calculated from the rest of the categories the dashboard on audit will say “pending”
For UN: Total score will be calculated from the rest of the categories.


II) Partner level performance and risk rating evolution

The different project PI scores of a Partner are combined with the original Capacity Assessment’s score to determine the overall Partner PI adjusted score.
The weightage of each project in calculating the overall Partner Performance Index is adjusted as and when the partner completes more projects, i.e. An increased weightage is given to the performance based on the most recent projects completed by the partner.

An overview on how the weightage breaks between Capacity Assessment and Performance Index is given below:

As can be seen in the above screenshot, the CA score is not included in the calculation of the PI adjusted risk from the partner’s fifth project onwards.

The Partner’s PI adjusted score, obtained by the combination of project’s PI scores and CA results (if relevant), is linked to a specific risk level defined by the Global Risk Range, as shown in the screenshot below. To be included in the calculation of the PI adjusted risk, the CA risk score is adapted from the Country Risk Range to the Global Risk Range via a multiplier tailored for each country. To learn more about the CA multiplier, please refer to the CA article on the Help Portal. 

The OneGMS automatically calculates and determines the Partner’s PI score and subsequent Risk Level (adjusted or not). HFU officers can approve the PI adjusted risk of the Partner from the Partner Performance Index Risk Management page.